Thursday 25 November 2010

Rest of my little sparrows :)

Here they are finally!

More stuff coming soon :) I've been doing a couple of watercolours to make an animation for my art portfolio which I probably won't put up, but it's something useful I've done today.

Monday 22 November 2010

I actually finished a project!

I have a problem: too many ideas, too little patience- something I need to learn to control! So, I've decided to finish all my half-finished projects before I start any more. Hopefully this will teach me that a little concentration pays off! 

Here's the ugly old dragon I posted an outline drawing of a while ago, but all scaly and shaded now. I'm still not thrilled by the persepctive/proportions but I don't think it's bad for a first go.

1 project down, 2 to go before I can get going on that awesome creature design I've been thinking about.

Friday 19 November 2010

Home Time

Hi everyone,
I've been doing uni work for a change and went home for reading week so I haven't had time to do any art lately :( I'm itching to finish my sparrows and finish my first drawing for the Sketchbook Project so I should have some things to post soon! Having a well earned night out tonight, then I'll have the weekend to chill at my computer and start drawing. I've peen playing a MMORPG in the last couple of days called Perfect World which has given me some great ideas for some fantasy creature designs too!

Monday 8 November 2010

Another little one

I'll upload the rest all in one go, seeing as I seem to be getting quicker :) I'm so glad I'm getting into the swing of things!

First Successful Painting!

I've finally created something on Photoshop that I'm happy with :D I'll definitely be finishing my other sketches now! Maybe another one or two tonight, but I need a break from the computer for a bit.

Sparrow Sketches

I've been feeling a bit down with the stresses of uni and the pressure I've been putting myself under to get better with Photoshop, so I decided to have some fun and concentrate on what I enjoy and am best at. I drew a little drawing of a sparrow in lectures a couple of weeks ago and fell in love with my own creation haha - I love little birds! I've started to sketch out some poses for it:
As I drew it straight in instead of scanning it on paper, hopefully it will be much easier to develop further and colour.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Quick Sunset

I had a little play around with layers and custom paint brushes. I put a photo I took underneath, picked out the basic colours and messed around with lots of mixing, layers and brushes on top. I also used the magic wand tool to cut out the foreground and pasted it on top. It's all helping me get to know Photoshop a bit more when it's hard to know where to start.

It's nice having a bit of time to experiment, I've really been in need of a break from uni to focus on my hobbies!

Friday 5 November 2010

It's love

I got my tablet!! It's wonderful - much easier to get used to than I imagined, though I've only been sketching so far. It's now my reading week so I'm going to give myself a break from uni work for the weekend to concentrate on a personal website. I'd love to make a Flash website but I haven't finished the one for my module yet so plain old HTML will have to do. I've hardly had time to play with my tablet yet, I'm gutted- I need to stop saying no to last minute things that never lead me home. Hopefully I will finish the website tomorrow because I want to design some concept art and start my career!

Wednesday 3 November 2010

The Sketchbook Project

About a month ago a signed up to an exciting little idea called The Sketchbook Project as something do in my spare time, to improve my art skill and as something really interesting to put on my CV.

You pay for a little sketchbook and it gets posted to you, then you fill it up with ideas from your chosen theme (you have to choose from a list), and send it back by the deadline in January. Here's the great part- it goes round a tour of America, then ends up permanently in the Brooklyn Art Library! You get a bar code with your book and you get notifications every time someone looks in it, which is pretty cool. There's still time to sign up so here's the link:

I was going to save filling it in for over Christmas when I don't have any work to do, but as I have the morning off and I'm still waiting for my tablet I'm going to give it a start. The theme I've chosen is 'Help', which I'm extending to 'Help save our species'. I'm planning to draw and write about beautiful and unusual endangered and critically endangered species because I am a huge animal lover, and I hope it will inspire and be thought provoking to whoever opens it.

Tuesday 2 November 2010


So, turns out because I drew out my dragon in a hefty sketchbook, I'm having all sorts of weird problems with the textures in the background for painting...I'll either sketch over the top with my tablet in a new layer, or finish it as a pencil drawing and start fresh on a new design I thought up in lectures- who wants to listen about ActionScript when there's a tablet to think about! Right now I'm just waiting, waiting, waiting. It's been dispatched so hopefully it'll come tomorrow. I'm mega excited!

Monday 1 November 2010

First Attempt

After looking at several different sketches and paintings I had a go at drawing my own line art. I wanted to create an ugly old dragon with teeth and horns sticking out at odd angles and I'm not too happy with it as it was the first thing I drew, but it will do for now as I want to test out this tutorial:

Here's my design:
Like I said, its a bit crappy and out of proportion but I'm too eager to try out this tutorial for now to bother. One of my flatmates spotted it and thought it was the dragon from Eragon, which I've never seen, so unfortunately it doesn't seem to be very original! I did some other smaller sketches and came up with a couple of nice designs- one based on a frilled dragon and another water dwelling dragon/monster, which I'd love to put into a photo I took of a swampy river in Florida when I get my tablet. It still hasn't shipped so I just have to be patient- which everyone who knows me says I'm rubbish at!

Feng Zhu Tutorials

I've been browsing the internet on my day off today (could get used to this!) and I found an amazing tutorial by concept artist Feng Zhu, posted on a website here:

He has designed for Star Wars, The Sims, Transformers and more and you can visit his portfolio here:, which also had a link to his design school with videos and examples of students art. He has a great deal of awe-inspiring work in his personal portfolio, I thoroughly recommend taking a look as I find him truly inspirational. I hope one day I will be able to create art this beautiful, he makes it look so easy! I will definitely be coming back to his site.