Sunday 10 July 2011

Sketchbook Project

It's finally been scanned after 6 months!! I was looking forward to it being "professionally scanned" however I am quite disappointed as you can hardly see the colours and they clearly haven't changed the setting to suit different mediums. Here is the link anyway:

In preparation for my Final Year Project I have been refreshing my memory on Maya and I've nearly finished the model I've been working on (which will then have to be animated/textured etc) so I may post that when it's done. 

Thursday 5 May 2011

The Art of Video Games

I'm mega tired but before I go to bed I have to share this - I discovered earlier that next year the Smithsonian American Art Museum is holding a six month exhibition called The Art of video Games, which will "explore the 40-year evolution of video games as an artistic medium, with a focus on striking visual effects, the creative use of new technologies, and the most influential artists and designers. I would love a big scale exhibition like this in England! 

I'm a bit of a gaming nerd and beautiful games such as Okami really inspire me (which I'm happy to see has been put in the exhibition.) When I was younger I spent lots of time drawing Pokémon cartoons as well as detailed drawings of them, and there are still tons of fan art ideas I'd like to try out for several different games.

Here's the link to the exhibition details:

As I was watching the video on that website, a game called Shadow of the Colossus took my interest. Being a young girl at the time who already had a Gamecube and Game Boy and who's mother disliked video games anyway, I really don't know much about PS2 games. But the emotion described in the discussion of this game sounded mesmerizing and checking out some artwork and videos didn't disappoint. It really is a stunning game, hopefully I will be able to get my hands on it one day.  

The graphic style of the game is totally unique, with the whole world oozing a lonely atmosphere and the contrast of light and dark emphasizing his choice between good and evil. Even the menacing characters show innocence with their bright eyes as the hero, Wander, tries to kill them.  I was surprised to find out how popular the game was yet how little fan art seemed to be around,  but being someone who's interested in gaming, concept art and fantasy creatures, this is definitely something I want to explore further.

Tuesday 3 May 2011



I found out about this innovative way of advertising on the BBC website and I've read a few articles about how the television adverts were made, too. 'Augmented reality' has never been used for advertising like this in the UK as far as I'm aware, it was so clever and the public reaction so good that I'm sure many other big brands will be considering new ways to advertise and try to outdo them. As a Multimedia student it shows me the kind of things I need to be aiming for, as the wings used modelling and animation, and the interactive ad needed programming with a user interface and compositing, all of which I have learnt how to do (not to mention coming up with such an inventive idea). Though I have a long way to go of course.

Free Reign Again

I know, it's been too long! I'm very excited about blogging again and recording my journey to recognition. I've been working hard at university with lots of projects including the two largest: directing a documentary and creating a 3D set in Maya of a war zone (achieving Firsts in both I'm proud to add). Now all I have left are two exams, then I will be free for the Summer to work on my portfolio and my Final Year Project (which is a HUGE task I will write about soon!). Although I have loved making my university projects and learning new things, putting in 12 hours a day means I haven't had a chance at all to paint. I have thought about it a lot and have had lots of ideas bouncing around as always, especially with all the creativity going on around me, and it really does sadden me that I haven't had time. I'm greatly looking forward to starting again after my exams, and particularly working on my FYP, which is right up my street and something I'd very much like to do as a job, but I'm not revealing it yet ;)

I've seen some inspiring things that I've wanted to share lately so I'll keep blogging and try keep motivated for all this revision (Software Engineering really doesn't excite me...)

Also as a quick update, my little book was successfully sent around America in The Sketchbook Project, but I can't post the digitalized copy as the website is undergoing maintenance. Hopefully I'll be able to soon :)